
Causing a Bottleneck? 3 Tips to Ease the Information Flow.

By |November 12th, 2014|

Whether you are delivering, once, twice or three times a season, the way you plan and execute the development and production of your collection needs to be both documented and shared internally, ideally from the start.

Here’s why:

I recently worked with an accessory company who had grown quickly and organically over […]

3 tips to keep your collection planning on track!

By |October 28th, 2014|

If you are working on a new collection right now you should have, or should be, building out your ‘Key Dates’ or ‘Time & Action’ plan for the new season.

The key dates is the backbone to your collection and is an important set of deadlines from the start of development […]

Learn to love a list: Lessons applied to fashion or life # 2

By |October 25th, 2013|

Hands up if you are list person? Yes? No? I’m not just talking about work now, in everyday life as well. Still no? Wow, that’s impressive – You should tell me your secret.

I think it’s fair to say that to be good at fashion development or production you need to […]