Every now and then you stumble across websites and initiatives that remind you that the world is getting smaller. And that’s a nice thing, right?
Through posting a discussion on LinkedIn.com to gain insider perspectives on a fashion industry conundrum, I discovered not 1 but 2 design initiatives.
Peonyrice is an accessory brand sourced and produced responsibly in Asia through local communities. The project, an initiative of Pauline Cheung founder of Industria Collective (boutique design agency based in Hong Kong and Shanghai), is a brand of delicate head and neckwear aiming to benefit local artisans and in turn their communities.
With large-scale manufacturing units playing the lead in fashion production, its somewhat refreshing to hear that local si thriving amongst the giants of the East. Embracing traditional techniques and dying methods, this collection of headpieces, origami silk neck wear , and soft folded belts is updated weekly and shipped internationally.
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